땀으로 넘친 영어로
- swimming
- 물로 넘친: swimming
- 기쁨에 넘친: faklempt; beaming
- 침 따위로 넘친: swimming
- 행복에 넘친: blessed
- 희열에 넘친: rhapsodical; ecstatic; rhapsodic; rapturous; on top of the world
- ...으로: flowered; floral
- 으로: 으로1 [수단·방법] by; by means of; through; [도구] with; on; in. 힘[완력]~ by sheer strength / by (brute) force. 금력~ through the power of money. 서면~ 통지하다 inform a person by letter. 손~ 열다 open with one's hand.
- 값으로: price
- 건으로: 건으로 [乾-] [공연히] without reason[purpose / cause]; blindly; [터무니없이] absurdly; unreasonably; incredibly.
- 곁으로: aside; to the side
- 끝으로: finally; at last; eventually
- 남으로: southernly
- 덤으로: into the bargain
- 만으로: with only
- 모으로: obliquely; out of the corner of one’s eye; skepticism